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TPRS(total Physical response storytelling, 肢体反应讲故事)是西方第二语言教学的一个重要方法,它是由TPR(肢体反应教学)发展而来的

肢体反应教学法是由James Asher在1977年所提出。此教学强调儿童在第一语言学习的过程中皆有一个静默期 (silent period),在静默期间儿童需经许多的听力训练;做听力练习的同时,伴随着的是肢体动作的配合,例如:抓、移动、注视、跳跃等。它同时强调语言的表达可经由动作,为此降低儿童学习语言所伴随的焦虑、恐惧。


(一) 肢体反应教学法的特色 综观各种英语教学法,Larsen-freeman (2000)认为肢体反应教学法几项特色:
1. 语意经由动作来传达,肢体动作的反应也能帮助学生记忆
2. 学生在开始学会说英文之前应先听懂得英文;当输入达到一定程度,他们将自然而然地开口说英语。

3. 学生能在一开始经由身体的移动与口令的配合,学会一分语言。
4. 在课室中,教师多使用命令句与祈使句。 如open the door. put this book on that table. 等等,孩子依据老   师的指令做出相应的动作。
5. 能增进儿童信心,降低他们的学习焦虑。

6. 当学生刚开始学语言时,教师能容忍学生犯错误,并亲依口令做动作, 以不冒昧的态度来纠正学生。
7. 教师扮演指导者、领导者;学生则是扮演模仿者。

1. 学生模仿老师的动作。
2. 动作与语意产生连结,进而达到理解。
3. 学生做练习以达到熟练。
4. 教师读出与写出句子。
5. 教师再给新的命令句或祈使句。


TPRS是加利福尼亚的一名西班牙语老师Blaine Ray在1990年提出的英语教学方法。因为孩子对常规教科书上的语言学习不感兴趣,Blaine使用TPR方法进行语言教学,通过TPR孩子可以象学习母语一样的学习外语。但是TPR所学的英语主要是命令句,如何教会孩子叙述事情或者描述事物呢?同时又要使孩子对外语的学习感兴趣,他想到了讲故事。把讲故事和角色扮演结合起来,提出了TPRS英语教学法。


再次确认故事内容与增强语言习得:在这一阶段即是加深学生印象,使其能达到语言的习得阶段。运用的方法是介绍新的动词时态与型式。例如:原先已学过的动词时态为现在式 “he is hungry, he eats,” 那么教师便能在此阶段介绍第一人称单数或动词时态过去式 “ I am hungry, I eat” or “ he was hungry, he ate.”而此阶段最终的目的为增进学生对各单元内容的深入了解,并经由新字汇类项的介绍,加强过去所学。

The Seven Steps to Learning Through TPRS(TPRS七步法)
The TPR Storytelling approach to teaching a foreign language occurs in seven steps. Involving not only teaching the words, but using them in a story, or mini situation using gestures, having students retell the story, and assessing the learning of the words before progressing on. Below the seven steps are explained further. Also included are technical and special tips to help in teaching TPRS.

STEP 1: Gesture


Technical hints:
Limit 2 minutes
3-4 words
Give meaning in English
Model, delay modeling, remove modeling
Novel phrases
Chain the words
Special hints:
Explain in English why the gesture represents the meaning
Provide students with an association or visualization
Assess a barometer student using translation

STEP 2: Personalize!


Technical hints:
Ask questions using the new words. If a noun, ask if a student likes it. If a verb, ask if he does it. Show interest in the answer. Follow up with more questions. Ask the entire group about the first student. Invite reactions. Ask another student similar questions.
Special hints:
Look for confusion and use translation to clear it up.
Show interest and enthusiasm.
Tell a little story about a student.

STEP 3: Mini-Situation

Technical hints:
Use the information you got from #2 while you tell your PMS with actors.
Students answer questions and say “oh” or “ah” to statements.

Continually ask level-one and level-two type questions as students act out the story. Questions that have no answer yet produce BEP (Bizarre, exaggerated, personalized)
Make sure actor performs after teacher’s statement and is in the space that represents the location of the story.
Special hints:
Teach to the eyes. Look at the audience, not the actors.
Enjoy the “sparkle” actors

STEP 4: Retell (Teacher)

Technical hints:
No actors
Teacher retells and takes the place of the actors.

Teacher questions as in step 3, but gets more specific details, and may add to the story.

Provide 2 second grammar reminders throughout the retell.

Special hints:
Recycle at any time, but especially when response is weak.
Maintain the spacing and timing.
Spend plenty of time doing steps 3 and 4.

STEP 5: Reading

Technical hints:
Have students translate the PMS as you had originally written it.

Make sure that all students understand the entire story.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 with an extended reading or a chapter from a novel.
Special hints:
Make sure students understand all of the grammar involved in the story. Use translation so the grammar is tied to meaning, not to a grammar rule.

STEP 6: Discuss
Technical hints:
Discuss the reading. Relate the situation, the characters, and the plot to the students.

Ask if they have ever been in such a situation or known such a person.
Capitalize on all the cultural information provided in the story.
Special Hints:
Use the story to teach life lessons. Point out how a character develops or treats another person well. Teach students how to behave appropriately by using the characters as examples.

STEP 7: Assess

Technical hints
We always think the students know more than they actually do! For this reason we assess every two minutes all period long. Step 7 invites students to retell the PMS or the storyline from a reading.
Watch for hesitation, needing to look for the word before saying it, or for avoidance of a word or structure.
Special hints:
Hold top students to a high standard. Interrupt their retells to ask for more information or for more elaboration.

Teacher attitude must be supportive and encouraging.